
Yesterday, I received a great life lesson from a dear friend. I was feeling somewhat defeated in life and she kindly slapped me with a dose of reality.

I have been feeling as if I am not making any progress in life. Currently, I am on cruise control and it is killing me slowly. Being stagnant is not a very good place to be. I know we have all been in this very place. You wake up one morning and realize that you are in the exact space that you were in at this same time in your past.

I have been focusing on the wrong things in life. My eyes are finally open to the negativity that I was releasing unto myself without even realizing it.

Moving Forward:

Today, I visualize myself being successful in all aspects of my life. I visualize all of my dreams becoming a reality. Not only am I visualizing, but I am also "doing". I have a 30 day plan that I am putting into place. Everyday, I will work towards my very attainable goals.  I have been given an abundance of gifts and talents and I will not let it go to waste.

So the moral of the story is...

Focus on what you want to see happen in your life. The more you focus on that particular thing, you will begin to feed it until it becomes a physical manifestation. Choose wisely about what you want to see expand in your life. If you focus on what you cannot do or accomplish then your life will be filled with let downs and disappointments. Change your perspective on closed doors. Find a different route or way. Be positive at all times and continue to climb over obstacles.

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