
Toss Those Bricks

When I saw this quote, it spoke volumes to how I was conducting my relationships. I realized that I kept going through the same things and each time the relationship ended the same way. I thought it was them but soon I came to the conclusion that it was me.

I carried so many bricks that I built the same mansion!

 Not only are bricks a burden on you but they also weigh down anything you step into. This is why so many relationships fail. We think we can bring the same, tired, beat up bricks in and build something new but that is not reality. If you want something new, you have to start with  all new materials. You cannot refurbish a piece of furniture and sell it as a new item. It might look different on the outside but on the inside it has not changed.

Be very aware that the bricks you carry will hinder how you move forward in your relationship. The extra burden will wear you our physically, mentally, and emotionally; leaving no energy for the new relationship.

Take your bricks and toss them. Let it go then BREATHE!